Printable Letters From The Tooth Fairy and Tooth Fairy Coloring Pages
Tooth Fairy Pricing List

Text of the letter:

Dear Susie,

Hi! I'm the Tooth Fairy! As your parents probably told you, a loose tooth is an exciting thing because it means that you'll be getting some moolah! Every time you lose a tooth, I'll pay you a visit and give you some cash. I'll fly in, take the tooth while you're sleeping, and leave some money. How much money, you ask? Check out this chart!

First Tooth:
Central Incisors:
Lateral Incisors:
First Molars:
Second Molars:
Last Tooth:

Your parents can explain to you what each type of tooth is, and you can look in the mirror and see them for yourself, too! Teeth are cool!


The Tooth Fairy

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