Printable Letters From The Tooth Fairy and Tooth Fairy Coloring Pages

Free or $5 Version?

Each letter from The Tooth Fairy is available in two versions: a free version and a $5 editable version.

Below are the two versions of our popular "Tooth Fairy Left Money" Letter:

The free version (below) is a PDF file (which you can view and print with a PDF reader.) You can't edit it, but you can print it out and use it.

free letter from The Tooth Fairy

The $5 editable version (shown below) can be opened in Microsoft Word. You can then customize it with your child's name, names of friends, pets, siblings, etc.

sample of $5 version

You can pay using your PayPal account or credit card. You'll be able to download the customizable Letter from The Tooth Fairy within moments.

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